Everton Imperium (Sector B)


The Everton Imperium is a militaristic monarchy which has had space travel for a large portion of its history. It values knowledge and material goods. It makes use of Atomic Technology and Theistic Magic. Emperor Pula Kubinyetz and Empress Jerriffen, his wife, currently rule it with the assistance of a small aristocracy. It contains five habitable planets and six self-sustaining deep-space habitats. The Everton Imperium is on the border of sectors B and H.


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Q-dex / Technology / Magic
Size / Population / Climate & Geography / Flora & Fauna
History / Government / Foreign Policy / Domestic Policy
Society / Languages / Religions / Castes / Economy
Military / Sports & Leisure / Major Population Centers / Chronic Problems


The quantum zone of the Everton Imperium has an index of high technology/medium magic, Atomic (35)/Theistic (50). Further elaboration on this is found in later sections. A second reality layer exists beneath the first, which allows much faster travel over long distances. Quantum storms are infrequent and weak.


The main power sources in the Everton Imperium are Fusion Generators and Singularity Powercores. Fusion Generators use nuclear fusion and can power anything from handheld devices to entire cities depending on size, but must be periodically refuelled with water. Singularity Powercores are preferred in space vessels because they never need refuelling, but they do contain a small black hole.
Space ships are driven by Gravatic Drives, which project a small gravity well in front of the vessel in the direction of travel. Faster-than-light travel is accomplished by entering the second reality layer using a Borer, which pierces the boundary between the two realities. Ground vehicles commonly use caterpillar treads, insect-like legs, or air cushions.
Weaponry ranges from hand-held lasers and railguns to starship-mounted gravatic projectors and fusion cannons.


There is only one god in the Everton Imperium. It does nothing on its own, but increases the effectiveness of actions by affecting probability. For example, in one famous engagement one very pious starfighter pilot destroyed three capital pirate vessels. If enough prayers are made, even seemingly impossible things can be done.


The Everton Imperium contains five habitable planets and six self-sufficient deep-space habitats. The planets each orbit a different star, but have numerous orbital installations for industry, defence, and residence. The habitats orbit resources in each system. Fourta is in an asteroid belt, Doublo and Fiven are solar collectors , Tritium and Sixar orbit gas giants, and Ona is the only habitable object in the star system. Ona is also in an asteroid belt and used to have a habitable planet in the system, but the planet was destroyed in a Singularity Powercore accident. The other habitats and planets are paired as follows: Doublo with Frigida, Tritium with Ignead, Forta with Seamag, Fiven with Sombry, and Sixar with Volcaneum.


The population of the Everton Imperium is human. There are ancient stories about dragons and elves living in the region, but these are too old to be taken seriously. Each planet in the Everton Imperium has about five billion inhabitants. The habitats each support about 500 million.

Climate and Geography:

As previously stated, there are five planets in the Everton Imperium. Frigida is an ice ball with a subsurface ocean. Ignead is covered with huge mountain ranges. Seamag is a huge ocean with many small islands. Sombry is a cold, arid world on the edge of its star system. Volcaneum has huge ranges of active shield volcanoes and an atmosphere that is difficult to breathe. The world of Everton was covered in lush forests, but was tragically lost.

Flora and Fauna:

The worlds of the Everton Imperium each evolved life on its own. Frigida has mostly microbial life, but a few hearty species of fish were introduced to the subsurface ocean from Seamag. Ignead has silicon-based life in the form of crystalline trees and insect-life. Seamag has huge undersea kelp forests and innumerable species of fish, but no aquatic mammals. Sombry has huge reptilian solar collectors that cover acres with their membranous, horizontal sails to collect enough heat to survive. Volcaneum has many species of flying animals (birds, bats, gliding snakes, etc.) that breathe the dangerous atmosphere.


Colonists and explorers from the planet Everton created the Everton Imperium 500 years ago. The Imperium is an extension of the unified government that ruled Everton for 300 years before that. It was about 250 years ago when the planets of the Imperium became overcrowded and the habitats were built to provide them with the resources that they naturally lack. The planet Everton was destroyed in a tragic containment failure of the Singularity Powercore that powered the entire planet 25 years ago. Much of the aristocracy died in the accident, but the ruling Giol family survived because they were on vacation on Seamag. All Singularity Powercores were banned from planetary use as a result. As neither of Emperor Enrest's sons were fit to rule, his second youngest daughter, Jerrifen, was married to Pula Kubinyetz, who then ascended to the throne. The youngest of Enrest's five daughters was born blind, but with phenomenal powers of memory and foresight of probability, thus Calorin became Sage of Everton. Pula and Jerrifen now have four children Mathias (17 years old), Grace (15), Aden (13), and Thyme (12). Mathias and Aden are boys and Grace and Thyme are girls.


The Everton Imperium has few restrictions on governmental power. The ultimate rulers are the Emperor and Empress, who must be in agreement about any decisions that they come to. Control of the military is in the hands of Tomaz, Jerrifen's older brother. Tomaz is currently training Mathias as his replacement. Control of the Imperium's bureaucracy is in the hands of Phiko; Jerrifen's other brother. Phiko is training Grace as his replacement. Each of the planets and habitats is administered directly by a large bureaucracy with aristocrats at its head. Each aristocrat directs operations in a specific geographical region. All of the aristocracy has spent at least 3 years in the military during which their titles and privileges as aristocrats are suspended.


The Everton Imperium has a two tiered class structure, single religion, and one language.The Imperium is an advanced technological society that makes use of all of the modern labour-saving devices. Travel between the Imperium's world and habitats is common. There is little poverty and gainful employment for all. All citizens must spend a minimum of 3 years in military service. There is a deeply ingrained distrust for synthetic minds. An experimental artificial intelligence was responsible for the containment failure that destroyed Everton. Computers capable of filling most of the roles of a TFP without having their own mind are common instead. All synthetic minds entering the Everton Imperium must be certified and registered with the government or they are put to sleep.

Languages :

Only one language is spoken in the Everton Imperium, so few, if any, of the population have biolinks.

Religion :

As there is only one god in the Everton Imperium's territory, there is only one religion. The religion centres on praying enough that God takes notice you and shifts probability in the manner that you request. A rather large sect is devoted to praying for the return of Everton just as it was before the accident.

Castes :

The two castes present in the Everton Imperium are commoners and aristocrats. The only difference between commoners and aristocrats is that the aristocrats have guaranteed housing and employment in administering the Imperium. The military does not recognise class distinctions.

Economy :

The economy of the Everton Imperium is free market with some price controls. The citizens are not wealthy, but have their needs filled. There is a flat 8% tax on all purchases of goods or services rendered. Large manufacturing corporations are not allowed to own retail subsidiaries and vice-versa. No corporation is allowed to have facilities in more than one system of the Imperium. The only company exempt from these rules is the Goods Distribution Service (GDS), which is government owned and subsidised to provide lower prices.

Military :

Tomaz Giol with Mathias Kubinyetz as his second-in-command run The Everton Imperium's military. There is a Space Navy , Starfighter Corps and Army.

The Navy consists of Corvettes (100m-200m), Destroyers (200m-400m), and Cruisers (400m-800m). There is only one ship in the navy larger than a cruiser: the Everton Shark. The Everton Shark is 5000m long and is the command vessel of the entire navy; it is also the only ship to carry world-destroying Singularity Missiles (which are dangerously unstable and don't work outside the Everton Imperium's home zone).

The Starfighter Corps consists of one-man interceptors and two-man attackers carried aboard cruisers, habitats, and the Everton Shark. Starfighters are organised into arrows (15 interceptors), and blades (10 attackers). Cruisers carry 2 arrows and 2 blades, habitats have 25 arrows and 5 blades, and the Everton Shark carries 10 arrows and 5 blades.

The Army makes use of air cushion and tracked vehicles powered by Fusion Generators. The main combat vehicle is the air cushioned Heavy Tank, supported by air cushioned Medium Tanks. Infantry ride in tens aboard air cushioned APCs, and artillery support is moved on tracked Transporters. Armoured vehicles are organised into grops of 5, known as fists. Infantry are equipped with powered armour and operate in 10-man units called hands. Army units are carried aboard Destroyers and larger. Because of the Everton Imperium's recent peace, the army has fallen into disuse. The Emperor has decreed that the army be revitalised to defend against the possible threats posed by the Greater Galaxy.

Sports and Leisure :

Sports in the Everton Imperium are mostly competitions of military skills. Marksmanship, personal combat, and strategy are skills commonly tested in sporting events.

Major Population Centers :

Population centres in the Everton Imperium are suited to the environment. Seamag has floating and underwater cities. Sombry and Ignead have underground warrens. Frigida has ice caverns. Volcaneum has flying cities. Ona and Fourta are linked asteroids. Doublo and Fiven rotating cylinders attached to the shadowed side of huge solar panels. Tritium and Sixar each have twin wheels linked by common hubs.

Chronic Problems :

Pirates tend to be a common and chronic problem in the Everton Imperium, hence the prevalence of the Space Navy and Starfighter Corps.